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UC Arts Digital Lab

Craiyon-generated image of a robot reading a book

Arts Digital Lab Seminar: Language Models and Reading Across Stories

Computational approaches to language modeling and translation, an active area of research for more than 75 years, have hit the mainstream. Writers, teachers, and readers have been encountering writing evaluators in wide deployment since the late 1990s, machine translation made readily available since the mid-2000s, procedurally generated text adventures since… Read More »Arts Digital Lab Seminar: Language Models and Reading Across Stories

Paul Millar – Royal Society Pou Aronui Award 2022

Professor Paul Millar is the winner of the Royal Society of New Zealand’s 2022 Pou Aronui Award, for distinguished service to humanities-aronui over a sustained period of time. We’re thrilled to acknowledge Paul’s achievement and very pleased to see the work he has done at UC, particularly with the CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes… Read More »Paul Millar – Royal Society Pou Aronui Award 2022

Distinguished All-Women Panel on Indigenous Data Sovereignty to open Australasian Digital Humanities Conference

DHA2021: Ka Renarena Te Taukaea | Creating Communities, the biennial conference of the Australasian Association of Digital Humanities (aaDH), begins on Monday 22nd, hosted by the University of Canterbury. Professor Paul Millar, President of aaDH, says that the conference theme is a response to the extreme events our region has been experiencing—including… Read More »Distinguished All-Women Panel on Indigenous Data Sovereignty to open Australasian Digital Humanities Conference