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Research Outputs


Millar, P., Middendorf, K., and Cheersmith, S. (2024) Researching using the CEISMIC QuakeCoRE Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archives. Napier, New Zealand: QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting, 3-5 September 2024. Workshop.

Jones, C., Middendorf, K., and Thomson, C. (2024) The Canterbury Roll Project: Complex Pasts and Uncertain Futures. Kalamazoo MI, USA (virtual): 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 9-11 May 2024. Conference presentation.

Stedman, A. ‘Uncommon Justice: The court of High Commission in the early 17th century’, The Wicked Bible Project, ed. Chris Jones (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2024),

Taylor, Q. ‘The Donnithorne-Christchurch Wicked Bible: Technical and Bibliographic Report’, The Wicked Bible Project, ed. Chris Jones (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2024),

Jones, Chris, Kaspar Middendorf, Quillan Taylor, and Annika Stedman, “The Donnithorne Wicked Bible”, The Wicked Bible Project. Canterbury University Press, 2024.

Middendorf K. (2024) Off-the-shelf or custom built? Comparing platform choices for two digital editions. Christchurch, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2024, 8-11 February 2024. Conference presentation.

Stedman, A. (2024) Taonga in the 21st century: A case study on student-led research into Aotearoa’s Wicked Bible. Christchurch, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2024, 8-11 February 2024. Conference presentation.

Taylor, Q. (2024) Pre-modern documents in Aotearoa: What can they mean for the future of the Arts? Christchurch, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2024, 8-11 February 2024. Conference presentation.


Middendorf K., Stahel K., Millar P., and King J. (2023) Giants, Waterfalls, and Washing Machines: Similes in retold disaster narratives. City University New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, New York NY, USA, 18 April 2023. Seminar.

Middendorf K., Stahel K., Millar P., Matheson D., and du Plessis R. (2023) Kōrero Mai: Three approaches to collecting disaster narratives. Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut (UCONN), Storrs CT, USA, 20 April 2023. Seminar.

Middendorf K., and Stahel K. (2023) Collecting and Analysing Disaster Narratives. Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut (UCONN), Storrs CT, USA, 21 April 2023. Workshop.

Middendorf K., Stahel K., and Millar P. (2023) A Decade of Disaster Archiving: Challenges and Lessons Learnt. Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA, 26 April 2023. Seminar.

Millar P., Blackwood M., Ford G., Garello D., Ghosh D., Looyer N., Matheson D., Middendorf C., Middendorf K., Moir L., Montelle C., Stoakes E., Thomson C., and Yu M. (2023) Views Through Student Lenses: How workshops with student research assistants can enhance a lab’s research program. In Estill, L., & Guiliano, J. (Eds.). Digital Humanities Workshops: Lessons Learned: 77-91. Routledge.

Jones J., and Middendorf K. (2023) Beyond a dot on a graph: A participant’s perspective on being quantified in variationist sociolinguistic research. Boise ID, USA (virtual): Lavender Languages and Linguistics 29, 9-11 March 2023. Conference presentation.


Millar P. (2022) Growing Capability Together: Propagating Research in the Digital Humanities Communal Garden.. Christchurch (virtual): eResearch NZ 2022, 9-11 Feb 2022.

Ross T. (2022) Locating oneself and talking past: Journalists’ engagement with Pacific communities on Twitter. Media International Australia 183(1): 179-197.

Ross T. (2022) Pacific identity discourses on Twitter: constructing cyberspaces of belonging. Kotuitui

Wilson Black J. (2022) Creating specialized corpora from digitized historical newspaper archives. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Journal Articles)


Blain H. and Thomson C. (2021) Evolution of community discourses in Cantabrians’ reiterated earthquake stories: A combined topic model and positioning analysis approach. Christchurch (virtual): DHA 2021, 24 Nov 2021.

Ford G. and Moses J. (2021) From robot quadrupeds to drone swarms: using digital methods to analyse debates on lethal autonomous weapons UC Arts Digital Lab, Logie Building, Level 4: UC Arts Digital Lab Seminar Series, 26 Mar 2021.

Ross T. (2021) Pacific identity practices on Twitter: Tracing discourses of culture, belonging and ‘race’. In ICA 2021 – 71st Annual ICA Conference.


Cidambi S., Jha A. and Montelle C. (2020) Unrolling a Sanskrit Scroll. UC Arts Digital Lab, Logie Building, Level 4: UC Arts Digital Lab Seminar Series, 18 Sep 2020.

Millar P. (2020) Poetry in a Time of Calamity: A Humanities Response to the Canterbury Earthquakes. Rutherford Hotel, Whakatū | Nelson: Plenary, QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting, 8-10 Dec 2020.

Millar P. and Middendorf K. (2020) Learning Lessons from Disasters: Is there any point? UC Arts Digital Lab, Logie Building, Level 4: UC Arts Digital Lab Seminar Series, 21 Oct 2020.

Misra A., Montelle C. and Plofker K. (2020) The Sanskrit Astronomical Table Text Brahmatulyasāraṇī Numerical Tables in Textual Scholarship. 

Ross T. (2020) Journalists’ engagement on Twitter: Community member or detached professional? Virtual conference in lieu of AUT, Auckland: Journalism Education Association of New Zealand Conference 2020, 26-27 Nov 2020.


Jones C., Thomson C., Middendorf K., Hodgson N., Kogou S., Liang H. and Pickup C. (2019) Digital Humanities and Heritage Science Research Infrastructures. : 4. PARTHENOS. [Website]. (Other)

Middendorf, K. and Hope, S. “Red Zone Stories: Human ethics challenges in digital community story-telling”, National Digital Forum, Wellington, 19-20 November 2019. Conference presentation.

Millar P., Thomson CJ., Smithies J. and Middendorf K. (2019) The Challenge, the Project, and the Politics: Lessons from Six Years of the UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive. In Bouterey S; Marceau LE (Ed.), Crisis and Disaster in Japan and New Zealand: 159-179. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Millar P. and Thomson C. (2019) Copyright and Post-disaster Archiving. Utrecht, Netherlands: DH2019 Digital Humanities Conference, 8-12 Jul 2019. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Montelle C. and Plofker K. (2019) Sanskrit Astronomical Tables. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 308.

Thomson C. (2019) String games: getting started with text extraction. Dunedin: University of Otago Digital Humanities Expo, 14 Oct 2019. (Oral Presentations)

Thomson C. (2019) Connections and contradictions: Unpacking the Digital Humanities Lab. Dunedin: University of Otago Digital Humanities Expo, 14-14 Oct 2019. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Wright AF; Ratuva S; Millar P; Meek A; Prentice C (Ed.) (2018) Pacific Dynamics, Special Issue on Memory and the Pacific. Pacific Dynamics 5 Christchurch.


Ford, Geoffrey. “Parsing parliament: parliament’s proceedings as researchers’ data”, National Digital Forum, Wellington, 20-21 November 2018. Conference presentation.

Hope, Samuel, Kaspar Middendorf and Jennifer Rees. “Understanding Place: A participatory archival project mapping stories in the Residential Red Zone”, National Digital Forum, Wellington, 20-21 November 2018. Conference presentation.

Sarkis A., Granello G., Liu R., Capellaro C., Palermo AG. and Millar P. (2018) He kōrero takiwā, he takiwā korero/stories within spaces, spaces defined by stories: A footbridge design concept for New Zealand. Structural Engineering International 28(4): 418-424.

Thomson C. (2018) REVIEW: Noted: Moral quandary over social and political use of mobile phones. In The Moral Economy of Mobile Phones Pacific Journalism Review 24(2): 262-262. Auckland University of Technology, School of Communication Studies, Pacific Media Centre. (Other)

Thomson CJ. (2018) REVIEW: Noted: Perfect media research text for undergraduates. Pacific Journalism Review 24(1) Auckland University of Technology, School of Communication Studies, Pacific Media Centre. (Other)


Hunt J. and Middendorf K. (2017) Migrating QuakeStudies to Islandora.  Wellington, New Zealand: National Digital Forum (NDF2017), 21-22 Nov 2017. Conference presentation.

Jones C., Thomson CJ., Shirota M., Rolston E., Parker T. and Middendorf K. (2017) Canterbury Roll Project (Stage 1).Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. (Scholarly Editions/Literary Translations)

Matheson D. and Millar P. (2017) Post-disaster communication, creativity and preserving community stories. Suva: Creating Futures, 18-23 Sep 2017.

Matheson D. (2017) The performance of publicness in social media: Tracing patterns in tweets after a disaster. Media, Culture & Society

Middendorf, Kaspar. Comparing Syntactic Persistence in Written and Spoken Monologue: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics, University of Canterbury. 2017.

Sarkis Fernandez A., Granello G., Liu R., McHaffie B., Cappellaro C., Wallbanks E., Patterson D., Palermo AG., Kreisler A. and Millar P. (2017) Stories Within Spaces, Spaces Defined by Stories: Footbridge Design Concept, Christchurch, New Zealand. In Footbridge 2017 Berlin – Tell A Story: Conference Proceedings

Stevenson JR., Vargo J., Thomson CJ. and Walsh L. (2017) Resilience & Data in New Zealand: the Data Integration and Visualisation En Masse (DIVE) Platform 2016 Summary. In Resilience & Data in New Zealand: the Data Integration and Visualisation En Masse (DIVE) Platform 2016 Summary, Resilient Organisations Ltd.. Commissioned by Tertiary Education Commission and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 25. (Reports)

Szczepanski J., Thomson CJ., Fordyce P. and Landrieu A. (2017) Ladies First: Crowdsourcing the Macdonald Dictionary. Wellington, New Zealand: National Digital Forum (NDF2017), 21-22 Nov 2017. Conference presentation.

Thomson CJ. (Ed.) (2017) Kōmako: a bibliography of writing by Māori in English. Christchurch, New Zealand. (Software / Code)

Thomson CJ. (2017) Intranet Art: Alethicorp and the Satire of Protocol. Melbourne: Digital Games Research Association, 3-6 Jul 2017. (Conference Contributions – Other)


Angelo, Anton F., Lucy-Jane Walsh and Christopher Thomson. “Citing the Institutional Repository”. Institutional Repository Staff Forum, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 2016.

Angelo, Anton F., Lucy-Jane Walsh and Christopher Thomson. “Scopus IR Aggregated Data”. 2016. Dataset. V2

Bartlett, Daniel. “Enhancing Exhibitions through New Digital Archives: a Case Study of Class War and Conscientious Objection in WW1 Canterbury,” Graduate Research Symposium on Museum-Centred Studies, Fale Pasifika, University of Auckland, 14 May 2016. Conference presentation.

Buckingham J., Bartlett D., Lovell-Smith M., Thomson CJ., Jenkin R. and Middendorf K. (2016) Voices against War: Courage, Conviction and conscientious objection in WWI Canterbury. [Website].

Clark L., MacGougan H., Hay J. and Walsh L.(2016) “Kia ora. This is my earthquake story”. Multiple applications of a sociolinguistic corpus. Ampersand, 3 , pp. 13-20, 10.1016/j.amper.2016.01.001

Kennedy K. (2016) The 2020s called: They want workers to be digitally literate. Wellington, New Zealand: National Digital Forum (NDF2017), 22-23 Nov 2016. Conference presentation.

Matheson D. and Jones A. (2016) Communication in a Post-Disaster Community: The Struggle to Access Social Capital. International Journal of Communication 10: 1622-1639.

Matheson, Donald and Christopher Thomson. “Reflecting on collaboration as method.” ANZCA 2016: Creating Space in the Fifth Estate, 6-8 Jul 2016, Newcastle, Australia. Conference presentation.

Matheson, Donald. “The power of Twitter in New Zealand.” International Communication Association conference, 9-14 Jun 2016, Fukuoka, Japan. Conference presentation.

Middendorf, Kaspar. “Comparing syntactic persistence of genitive structures in written and spoken New Zealand English.” New Zealand English and English in New Zealand, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 8–9 Jun 2016. Conference presentation.

Millar, Paul. “The City of the Fugitives: Does selective preservation of disaster memories mean selective recovery from disaster?”. People in Disasters, Christchurch, New Zealand, 24-26 Feb 2016. Conference presentation.

Millar, Paul. “The Quakebox: A Container for Post-quake Oral History”. National Oral History Association of New Zealand Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 21-23 October 2016. Invited conference paper.

Millar P. (2016) Giving the Arts a Digital Edge: How new technologies are shaping teaching and research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities.. St Christopher’s Church, Avonhead, Christchurch: U3A Rutherford ‘Cutting Edge Research’ seminar series, 22 Jul 2016.

Walsh, Lucy-Jane and Rosalee Jenkin. “We Lived Here E-book”. Avon Loop AGM, Christchurch, 21 May 2016. Address.

Walsh, Lucy-Jane “Breaking the Silicon Ceiling: Empowering women with technology.” FemSoc “That’s What She Said” Feminist Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 17-18 Sep 2016.


R Du Plessis, J Sutherland, L Gordon & H Gibson (2015) ‘The confidence to know I can survive’: resilience and recovery in post-quake Christchurch, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 10:2, 153-165, DOI: 10.1080/1177083X.2015.1071712

Hunt J. and Thomson C. (2015) Extending QuakeStudies for a Learning Legacy. Wellington, New Zealand: National Digital Forum, 13-15 Nov 2015. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Millar P. (2015) Do You, Don’t You, Want my Trauma?: Some Issues Facing Post-Disaster Memory Projects. Massey University, Wellington: Memory Research in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 12-13 Nov 2015.

Millar P. (2015) The Lives of Useless Scum: Why Canterbury’s Earthquake Stories Matter. Victoria University of Wellington: “Shaky Ground”—Christchurch and Its Aftermath, Stout Research Centre, 29 Apr 2015.

Millar P. (2015) Print past. Digital present. Predictable future? Where will digital technology take the College of Arts in the 21st Century? University of Canterbury: Digital Research Seminar Series, 21 Sep 2015.

Millar P. (2015) The Response of the Arts and Humanities to Climate Change. The George Hotel, Christchurch: 8th Annual Hillary Institute Dinner (Keynote speaker), 22 Oct 2015.

Smithies J., Millar P. and Thomson C. (2015) Open Principles, Open Data: The Design Principles and Architecture of the UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive. Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities 1(1): 10-36

Smithies JD., Millar P. and Thomson CJ. (2015) Building Post-disaster Social Capital: A Current State Report on the UC CEISMIC Digital Archive. Sydney, Australia: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (DH2015), 1-3 Jul 2015. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Thomson CJ. (2015) Digital technologies and material culture in post-earthquake Christchurch. Melbourne, Australia: Digital Densities Symposium, 26-27 Mar 2015. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Underhill B. and Thomson C. (2015) Kōmako: a bibliography of writing by Māori in English. Christchurch, New Zealand: Te Hā Te Waipounamu Writers’ Hui, 17-17 Oct 2015. (Conference Contributions – Other)


Clark L. and Walsh L. (2014) Recency effects on word-medial/t/in New Zealand English: initial observations. Paper Presented at the 15th International Australasian Speech Science & Technology Conference (SST), New Zealand, Christchurch

Clark L. and MacGougan H. (2014) Resources for students and teachers from the QuakeBox Canterbury earthquake stories. Paper Presented at the New Zealand Linguistics Society Conference, Waikato University

Millar P. (2014) Collecting with Digital Collections: Digital Humanities, Universities and Archives in Australasia. Christchurch, New Zealand: ARANZ/ASA Conference—Connecting: Past, Present and Future, 30 Sep-3 Oct 2014.

Millar P. (2014) KEYNOTE Why Archive Catastrophe? The Importance of Preserving and Making Freely Available the Digital Record of a Natural Disaster. Tohuku University, Sendai, Japan: Symposium of the Great East Japan Earthquake, 11-11 Jan 2014.

Millar P. (2014) The CEISMIC Earthquake Archive: Moving from Information Gatherer to Knowledge Creator. University of Canterbury, Christchurch NZ: Joint NZ/Japan Workshop on Earthquake Issues.

Smithies J., Millar P. and Thomson C. (2014) Integrated Data and Recovery: The UC CEISMIC Federated Archive. In : 5pp. (Conference Contributions – Published)


Millar P. (2013) UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive. NZi3, University of Canterbury, Christchurch: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade/ASEAN Ambassadors Visit: Briefing with University of Canterbury: Resilience Network.

Millar P., Smithies JD. and Thomson CJ. (2013) UC CEISMIC: a federated database for post-disaster research and information management. Christchurch, New Zealand: Proceedings of the Rhise Group Symposium, 22-22 Nov 2013. (Conference Contributions – Other)

O’Toole V. and MacDonald, A.(2013) Emotional impact of the earthquakes on teachers: ‘unsung heroes’. Paper Presented at UC CEISMIC Mini-conference, University of Canterbury.

Walsh L., Hay J., Bent D., Grant L., King J., Millar P., Papp V. and Watson K. (2013) The UC QuakeBox Project: Creation of a community-focused research archive. New Zealand English Journal 27: 20-32.

Thomson C. (2013) UC CEISMIC: some thoughts on crowd-sourcing earthquake content. Victoria University of Wellington: Crowdsourcing for the Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Sector Workshop. (Oral Presentations)


Millar P. (2012) Archiving Catastrophe – Digital Humanities & Times of Disaster. CUNY Graduate Centre, New York: CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative.

Millar P. (2012) The Role of Digital Humanities in a Major Natural Disaster. Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK: Oxford Internet Institute Seminer.

Millar P. (2012) The Role of Digital Humanities in a Natural Disaster: Heritage Preservation, Documentation, Collaboration and Commemoration. Digital Humanities, King’s College London: New Directions in Digital Humanities Seminar Series.

Millar P. (2012) The UC CEISMIC Digital Archive and CERA. CERA Offices, Christchurch, New Zealand: Ah! Eureka Seminar Series.

Millar P., Smithies J. and Thomson C. (2012) QuakeStudies Research Repository. [Online]. 

Millar P., Smithies JD. and Thomson C. (2012) Digital Humanities and Disaster: The UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive. Wellington, New Zealand: NZ eResearch Symposium (NZERS 2012), 4-6 Jul 2012. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Thomson CJ. (2012) Digitising a Bibliography of Writing by Māori in English. Canberra, Australia: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, 28-30 Mar 2012. (Conference Contributions – Other)

Thomson CJ. and Underhill B. (2012) Kōmako: a bibliography of writing by Māori in English. Wellington, New Zealand: National Digital Forum 2012, 20-21 Nov 2012. (Conference Contributions – Other)


Millar P. (2011) Developing the CEISMIC Earthquake Archive. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand: ANZAM research writing workshop.

Millar P. (2011) The CEISMIC Project. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand: Inaugural UC Earthquake Research Forum: Regaining Solid Ground.

Millar P. (2011) What role can the Arts and Humanities play in researching disaster impacts and recovery? The CEISMIC Digital Archive. Turnbull House, Wellington, New Zealand: (re)Claiming the Future: Recovery and Reuse: An ARANZ Symposium.

Millar P. (2011) CEISMIC Thinking: Radio Interview, Sunday Morning Programme, Radio New Zealand National, 11 Dec 2011. [Radio].

Millar P., Smithies J. and Thomson C. (2011) The UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive. [Digital Archive].