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New augmented reality experience featuring local artists launches for Ōtautahi Christchurch

Gap Filler’s Pae Tākaro Place of Play programme has collaborated with Dr Troy Innocent from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) future play lab to create an Augmented Reality (AR) journey in Ōtautahi Christchurch called ‘64 Ways of Being’ that will premiere at the Doc Edge Festival 2024. ‘64… Read More »New augmented reality experience featuring local artists launches for Ōtautahi Christchurch

Congratulations to the Arts Digital Research Seed Fund recipients 2024

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Faculty of Arts Digital Research Seed Fund.  The successful projects are: Congratulations to all of the recipients! The Arts Digital Research Seed Fund was launched in 2023 to support researchers across the Faculty of Arts to develop research projects and build capacity… Read More »Congratulations to the Arts Digital Research Seed Fund recipients 2024

We’ve moved!

The Arts Digital Lab has outgrown our old space, so over the summer we packed up and moved downstairs to our new offices on level 3 of the James Logie building.  We’re very excited about our new space, which is big enough to let us incorporate some of the ideas… Read More »We’ve moved!

Welcome to our new-look website

You might notice things are looking a bit different around here. That’s because we’ve just launched an entirely new website for the UC Arts Digital Lab.

As well as giving our site a visual upgrade, we’ve rearranged some of the pages to hopefully make it easier for visitors to find out who we are and what we do, and for students to find out how to get involved in the Lab.

Paul Millar – Royal Society Pou Aronui Award 2022

Professor Paul Millar is the winner of the Royal Society of New Zealand’s 2022 Pou Aronui Award, for distinguished service to humanities-aronui over a sustained period of time. We’re thrilled to acknowledge Paul’s achievement and very pleased to see the work he has done at UC, particularly with the CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes… Read More »Paul Millar – Royal Society Pou Aronui Award 2022