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digital methods

National Digital Forum 2019 presentation: Human ethics challenges in digital community story-telling

The talk that Jennifer Middendorf and Samuel Hope presented at the National Digital Forum in Wellington in November, titled “Human ethics challenges in digital community story-telling”, is now available to view on YouTube. In the talk, Samuel and Jennifer discuss some of the ethical challenges faced by the Understanding Place… Read More »National Digital Forum 2019 presentation: Human ethics challenges in digital community story-telling

Digital Methods and Tools Seminar Series #5: Digital Methods in Practice

Wednesday, 12 September, 1pm in Locke 611A Dr Geoff Ford (UC Arts Digital Lab) In previous sessions in the “Digital Methods and Tools Seminar Series” we have talked about collecting textual data from the web, analysing texts using corpus methods and visualising data. In this session Geoff will draw some… Read More »Digital Methods and Tools Seminar Series #5: Digital Methods in Practice

Digital Methods and Tools Seminar Series #3 – Introduction to Web Scraping

Wednesday, 15 August, 1pm in Locke 611A Dr Christopher Thomson (English & Digital Humanities) Chris will introduce web scraping, an approach to collecting research data and automating research tasks. First we’ll briefly consider types of data that may interest us, and ask when web scraping may be the right approach… Read More »Digital Methods and Tools Seminar Series #3 – Introduction to Web Scraping

Community formation that transcends politics in the age of filter bubbles – an example from Facebook

The recent fires in the Christchurch Port Hills caused enormous destruction and disturbance to those living in the area. Tragically a life was lost fighting the blaze, and there was major disruption when about 450 houses were evacuated, 11 homes destroyed, and over 1800 hectares scorched in the region between… Read More »Community formation that transcends politics in the age of filter bubbles – an example from Facebook