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Understanding Place: Mapping Memories and Meaning in the Residential Red Zone

Our aim is to develop a tool that will allow individuals with personal, familial, cultural, or historical connections to the Residential Red Zone area to tell their story and to reflect on what this space means to them. Seven years on from the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes the future of Christchurch’s Flat Land Residential Red Zone… Read More »Understanding Place: Mapping Memories and Meaning in the Residential Red Zone

A New Look for UC QuakeStudies

The UC Arts Digital Lab is excited to announce the launch of a new and improved UC QuakeStudies earthquake research repository. QuakeStudies, the University of Canterbury’s major contribution to the CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive, contains photographs, documents, videos, audio recordings, media articles, and other material relating to the 2010/2011… Read More »A New Look for UC QuakeStudies