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Number Made Audible, Made Digital: An introduction to digital musicology

Coming up in our Digital Research Seminar Series: a talk by Dr. Francis Yapp, Lecturer in Music.

It is often said that music is the last of the arts to adopt new stylistic trends. In a similar vein, the discipline of musicology has been relatively late in adopting digital methodologies. However, the inherently mathematical nature of music makes it naturally suited to digital encoding and analysis. In recent years, a number of new methodologies, approaches, and projects have arisen, which use digital technologies and computational tools to answer long-standing musicological questions, as well as allowing scholars to pose new ones. In this seminar, Dr. Yapp will explore key developments in digital musicology, including the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI), and examine several ongoing projects based in Denmark, the UK, Canada, and Australia. This seminar will both shed light on what digital musicology can offer its sister disciplines in the humanities, and explore what it can learn from them.

When: Monday 12 October, 11am-12.30pm
Where: Psyc/Soci 151

Digital Research Seminar#9 poster